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John Hedges
Oak Plan Chests
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A set of architects Oak Plan Chests. This divides into
Five drawer desk
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Five drawer desk with Brass edging and Campaign style handles.
Oak Twin Pedestal Desk
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Oak twin pedestal desk. This desk has eight drawers. The
Oak Captains Chair.
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Oak Captains chair. Dimensions are: Width 66cm, depth 46cm, total
Navigation chart of Felixstowe,Harwich and Ipswich.-SOLD
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Large framed nautical navigation chart featuring the approaches to Felixstowe,Harwich
Kidds Inks and Rollers Folding Magnifying glass.
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Folding magnifying glass stamped "Kidd's Inks and Rollers" by John
1960’s Opticians Sign.
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1960's illuminated Opticians sign. It's fully working and has been
Six Drawer Oak Desk
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Six drawer Oak Desk with brass handles. This desk bears
Three Drawer Oak Desk-SOLD
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Three drawer Oak school style desk. Dimensions are : Height
1 2 3 4 9